MATLAB educational tool for teaching Rayleigh random variable
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This paper presents the set of MATLAB demonstrations dedicated to teaching characteristics of Rayleigh random variable, which is important in wireless communication systems, radars, data science, and vibrations, among others. This educational tool is created as a complementary teaching tool in the online classes, during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the aim to help students to better understand the behavior and characteristics of this random variable. The Demo tool consists of three sets of demonstrations: Description, Parameters and Relation with Other Random Variables, Operations on Rayleigh Random Variable, and Generalization. The demo is made in MATLAB and utilizes all benefits provided by MATLAB, such as simplicity, good graphic environment, and interactive use, among others. Additionally, this demo is used with other demo programs, also made in MATLAB, in teaching/learning process of random variables. Students were very satisfied with this demo tool expressing that helped them understanding better the behavior, and characteristics of the Rayleigh random variable.
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