AdTech project European harmonized training system focus on adhesive bonding technologies
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The technology of adhesive bonding is experiencing rapid growth in Europe and in other world markets, leading to products of improved quality. Therefore, a strong competitive advantage is gained if industries are able to master the knowledge, competencies and techniques needed for the implementation of vital manufacturing techniques. Harmonised training systems have become crucial to respond to the labour market needs and to link education to industrial environments. The AdTech project developed a European harmonized training system to support the industries that depend on the availability and knowledge of professionals to better leverage the adhesive practice. This project tackled this challenge by supporting the development of high-quality work-based vocational educational training for adhesive bonding, encompassing professional profiles that will cover the industries’ requirements regarding the application of adhesive technologies. With AdTech, it has been possible to address training needs, develop harmonised curricula and implement a sustainable consortium.
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