Dynamics of Competition versus Collaboration between Fintechs and Traditional Providers of Financial Services in Brazil

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Rozana Ventura da Paixão e Silva
Elias Pereira Lopes Júnior
Samuel Façanha Câmara
Paulo Torres Júnior


The research sought to understand the phenomenon of competition versus collaboration between Fintechs and traditional financial service providers. It was a qualitative study with an exploratory and descriptive approach, using data triangulation and their organization in Display, which allowed checking patterns and causality relationships among the variables. As results, we observed that traditional financial providers adopt collaboration with Fintechs for competition in the financial market as their main strategy. As market dynamics, they launch their own subsidiaries; create risk funds to finance Fintech services; purchase and sell products and services for Fintechs; and create partnerships with these companies. We found that collaboration has been the best way for providers of traditional financial services to compete with companies in the financial market.

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Author Biographies

Elias Pereira Lopes Júnior, Federal University of Cariri, Brazil

Professor at Federal University of Cariri (UFCA)

PhD in Business at Getúlio Vargas Foundation (Brazil)

Samuel Façanha Câmara, State University of Ceará. Brazil

Professor at State University of Ceará (Brazil)

Post-Doctorate in Innovation Management at FGV-EBAPE (Brazil)

Doctor in Economics from the Federal University of Pernambuco 

Master in Rural Economics from the Federal University of Ceará 

Coordinator of the Research Center in Technology, Innovation and Knowledge Management (GESTIC) 

Chief Scientist of innovation at Ceará State

Paulo Torres Júnior, State University of Ceará. Brazil

Professor at the State University of Ceará

Doctoral Student in Business - PPGA/UECE

Master in Public Policy Assessment - PPGAPP/UFC

Lawyer specialized in Public Law and Administrator.

Researcher at the Blue Economy (BLUELAB) and Innovation laboratories at the State University of Ceará